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Global coaching

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Thank you for taking a brave step!!



My name is Claes and I will be your coach or mentor!


I want to start by briefly introducing myself and informing you about what you have to look forward to during our upcoming collaboration.


Briefly about me

I live outside Halmstad i southern parts of Sweden, but are a frequently travelling to various countries and cities for coaching and mentoring assignments and various training missions. I previously worked in various leading positions which gave both a wide as a deep understanding of the problems and challenges that exist for managers in multiple levels, where many skills are needed to cope with demands made on efficiency, development, profitability, etc.


  • CEO for multiple companies
  • Principal with education of +25 000 students
  • Innovation and business development projects
  • Managing several startups


In 2008 I was certified as an ICF coach and have since then, conducted hundreds of coaching sessions for board members, management teams, CEOs, administrative managers, etc. For me, coaching has been the tool that has helped my clients break through limiting thoughts and behaviors to reach new goals, both privately and professionally.


You can read more about me and my background at the Linkedin profile via the link on the right under the picture.


If you want to get in touch with me, you will get my direct contact details in the booking confirmations that you will recieve when we book our coaching sessions.


But before that, I'd like to give you more information about coaching/mentoring and ask some questions, which means we'll get started faster when we have our first coaching session. Read through step 1 below and then answer the questions as fully as you can in step 2 and submit to me. Then I will be well prepared and we can focus on your goals and results.


I look forward to our cooperation and your future successes!


(Claes-Göran Hammar)

Step 1 - Short about coaching!


Before we get started with your coaching, I want to briefly tell you what coaching is and how it works. Again, it's about me wanting to get started with the coaching itself, as quickly as we can at our first coaching session, so that you both reach or even exceed your goals and desires faster.

What is coaching?


Coaching is a partnership between me as a coach and you as a client, creating a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential.


Coaching aims to promote, identify and develop your personal, professional or business goals as well as develop and implement a strategy or plan to achieve those goals.


In short, coaching makes you develop yourself to change your life and reach your goals!


How is coaching done?


Coaching is done by me as the coach and you meeting in real meetings or online where I listen to you, ask powerful questions and summarize and reflect what you say.


Between the coaching sessions, you are given tasks to reflect on and work on.


This process means that you get time, conditions and help to break through and develop towards your goals.

The coaching agreement!


When coaching, it is important to agree on who does what, both during and between our coaching sessions. The coaching agreement provides security between the coach and you as a client and regulates, among other things, what the collaboration looks like, confidentiality, etc.


Via the link below, you can see an example of such an agreement and we will sign the agreement before our first coaching session. Read the agreement through the link and leave your comments in the questionnaire below.


Once you have submitted your answers below, I will send you the coaching agreement for signature.


Coaching agreement >>>

Steg 2 - Some questions before our first session!


Good job, now I would like you to answer the questions below so that we can get started faster with the coaching at our first session. The aim is to be efficient and focus on your goals and results.

Preperations before the questionaire!


Before you start answering the questions in the form below, it is good if you take your time and can sit undisturbed while you answer the questions.


Some online tests!


If you want to know more about yourself, there are some personality tests etc. online that I can recommend, where you can test yourself free of charge and make your strengths, characteristics and abilities visible. Note that these tests are not exact, but they give you more clues and where you are likely to recognize some of your character traits, etc.


Understanding yourself and your strengths and abilities is important for your personal development.


Note: If you want, you are welcome to send me your results, it makes me more efficient in our collaboration.


A - Link to test your learning style


Take a test to see which learning style you have. This can help you understand how you need to learn in order to get the most out of a course, book, video, etc.


Free online test:http://vark-learn.com/vark-frageformular


B - Link to test DISC-profil


Take a test to see which DISC color dominates you. This can help you understand what you have to work on, how colleagues and customers should be treated, etc.


Find your DISC-profile: https://discpersonalitytesting.com


C - Link to test VIA Character


Find your strenghts: https://www.viacharacter.org/survey/account/Register


D - Link to test HIGH5


Understand what you are good at: https://high5test.com


E - Link to test KOLBE A


Understand how you act: https://secure.kolbe.com/k2/show_takeIndex/indexType_A


F - Link to test about self sabotage


Understand how you self sabotage: https://www.positiveintelligence.com/saboteurs



Fill in your contact details and answer briefly the questions in the form below. When you click Send, these answers will be sent directly to my email, i.e. only I will read your answers.


If you run into any question, no problem, write it down and we'll discuss it when we meet!

Your first name
Your family name
Your email address
Describe 3 changes you would like to achieve within 5 years!
Describe 3 goals you would like to achieve within 3 months!
What are you desiring if anything would be possible?
Describe your 3 largest achivements in your life!
Describe your 3 biggest challanges in life!
What is the most important in your life and why?
How happy are you on a scale 1-5?
How motivated are you on a scale 1 - 5?
How stressed are you on a scale 1 - 5?
Have you read the coaching agreement?
Thanks you, I will be back shortly! /Claes
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