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Be a coaching leader to reach new goals!

Do you want to develop your staff?

Ett coachande ledarskap innebär att Du får personalen att utveckla mer av sin potential
Med ett coachande förhållningssätt att Du får ett mer närvarande ledarskap

Give your staff superpowers!


  • Do you believe that your staff has greater potential?

  • Do you want highly motivated and more self-motivated employees?

  • Do you want to finish several projects faster?


Coach2it offers a unique training in coaching leadership where managers, leaders, teachers and coaches etc. learn to stimulate and motivate their staff, hired consultants, students or sports participants by using a coaching leadership.


The course is carried out by very experienced coaches, mentors and teachers who combine theory and practical elements for you to succeed as a leader. You receive your own coaching, both to develop in your leadership role, but also to experience coaching and the effects it can have.

What is a coaching leadership?

A coaching leadership is about motivating and guiding people in the right direction and to new levels. Coaching leadership is based on the principle that the individual knows himself best and knows what he needs. Coaching leadership is based on the individual's and the group's willingness to learn and develop.

Where are you today?

A coaching leader's first task is to find out how the individual's situation looks today, i.e. current situation.


What are your goals?

A coaching leader helps the individual to set their own goals that contribute to the achievement of the group's goals.


What and how is it done?

The coaching leader helps the individual analyze what he needs to do and what resources are available to help along the way.


Ett coachande ledarskap innebär att ledaren lockar fram personalens potential som ger ökade engagemang, delaktighet och resultat

74% reach their goals

With coaching, the individual is given the time and conditions to set new goals and work towards them with the help of their coach, which produces positive results.

60% increase their focus

When the individual feels that it is possible to change their life and really achieve their goals, it increases the individual's motivation and results.

54% improves their attitudes and work results

In coaching, the individual works a lot with himself and his inner thoughts and values, which creates a personal development with both a changed approach and way of working.

46% increase their wellbeing

A person who experiences increased participation and opportunities to influence their own life creates increased wellbeing both privately and at work.

More positive results

Some additional results of coaching are that self-esteem increases, leads to more personal control, gives less stress, sees opportunities for improvement instead of problems, gains new perspectives, becomes more innovative and solves problems, increases performance and cooperates more with others.

43% improve their tolerance

This means that frustration, anxiety, anger and conflicts have decreased in favor of a more positive work environment and wellbeing at work.

Proven results!

What does science tells about coaching?

There are lots of studies and research about how and what results coaching gives and a summary of over 100 research reports shows that coaching gives positive results in a number of areas:

/Albert Einstein

A person who has never made a mistake, has never tried anything new!”

Ett coachande förhållningssätt är när ledaren inte ger order och svarar på frågor utan istället stället frågor för att öka tänkande och problemlösningsförmåga hos andra

More specific!

Tänk Dig att Du är som en teamcoach för ett fotbollslag där Du får alla att bidra mot att vinna

Who needs a coachande leadership?

Coaching leadership unlocks the potential and resources of the individual and creates motivation and participation. The coaching leader encourages free thinking, listens, challenges and asks questions to allow the individual to arrive at the solution himself. This creates great value for the organization, the group, the leader and the individual himself.


Some basic qualities of a coaching leader are that:


  • You have understood the value of a well-functioning we!
  • You are curious about other people!
  • You see opportunities before problems!
  • You can easily see things from different perspectives!
  • You are a person who likes to help and encourage others to succeed!
  • You are prestigeless and can focus on how we create success!
  • You know when priorities are needed!

A coaching leadership is a modern and effective way to stimulate the individual's performance, which leads to a significant increase in the group's results.

Den coachande ledaren fokuserar på gruppens resultat genom ökade prestationer

What is included in the course coaching leadership?


A course in coaching leadership is carried out for about 4 weeks and contains 32 hours of both theoretical knowledge online and as practical training during 2 course days.


Detta ingår i coachande ledarskap:


  • Theory training online as well as a 2-day practical coaching course

  • Practical exercises between you and your leadership coach

  • Coaching with training clients where you practice what you have learned and are a practice client yourself so that you can experience the effect of coaching yourself

  • Group coaching

  • Tasks and challenges

  • Discussion group

  • Course support

The course is conducted both online and at a designated course location because we want to streamline both costs and environmental impact, without reducing the course result.

1 hrs

2 hrs

1 hrs

1 hrs

1 hrs

2 hrs

1 hrs

1 hrs

1 hrs

1 hrs

2 hrs

4 hrs

8 hrs

1 hrs

1 hrs

2 hrs

Course request!

Course program!

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Family name*
Phone nr*
Email address*
Send registration!
Send registration!
Thank you for your registration, we will be back shortly!
Du måste fylla i alla *obligatoriska fält!

What happens after a booking?


After you submit your course registration, we will contact you to get more information about you and who will pay for the course, as it is often companies.


We will also book when you start your course and send over your login details and other information you need for the course.


Implementation of the course


You start module 2, 3 weeks before you complete your module 2 practical course , by gaining access to our online course portal.


You study the theoretical parts for about 4 hours per week. When you are done with the theory, you do 2 days of practical training at one of our course locations.


Course certificate


You will receive a course certificate after completing both parts of the course with approved result.

Other information


Course locations & dates


The course in coaching leadership is carried out continuously, contact us for more information.


Course fee


Please contact us for a free consultation and offer!


The course fee includes the course in the online portal, 2 days of practical course days, course materials and morning and afternoon coffee during the practical course.


Costs for travel, food and lodging are not included.

Practical module 2 days


The second part is conducted as a 2-day practical course (20 hrs) where we implement previous theory with different practical exercises. We focus entirely on practicing coaching others, both individually and in groups. The course combine theoretical knowledge with practical exercises.




Repetition & followup

Coaching tools

Practical coaching excercices

Find your leadership style

PDP - Personal development plan

Certification (Theory & practical)



Online module


Part 1 (12 hrs) of the course is completed online via our course portal. Here you get basic knowledge about coaching.




Coaching history

The coaching approach

Coaching leadership in practical use

The coaching processen

Coaching models (GROW/NÖHRA)

Self leadership


Intuition & EQ

Group coaching



Module 1 starts 3 weeks before module 2.

/Zig Ziglar

“If you can dream it, you can achieve it!

En bra utbildning för ett coachande ledarskap blandar teori med praktiska övningar där deltagaren själv får uppleva coaching och dess effekter

Course instructors!

Would you rather organise this course in-house?

Contact us for more information and offer!

Contact us!

For more successful businesses and people

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